
What to avoid and become a Super Human!

What to avoid and become a super human (Decrease fart smell) Vegtables Medication (Hardest to quit but most dangerous) Cigarettes Bananas Hand sanitizer and other stuff with warning symbols on Flouride toothpaste Radiation Popcorn Chips Things that's good for you Organic fruits and berries Bread, pasta and potato Supplements Tea Jouice Normal hand wash Flouride free toothpaste Dairy free butter and milk

sacred geometry and awesome pictures!

Pretty cool sacred geometry using pyramids and fractals!

Life tips & tricks

Life tips & tricks - looking direcly at the sun very early morning or sunset where it almost touch the horizon. But don't look on mid day as it can damage the eyes. This practice is good for the spirit and clears fears. - brewing coffee with 2 filters at the same time. This clears the oily shiny surface on the coffee, and leaves it completely black. - having a wifi hotspot from one smart tech device and connecting all your gadgets internet to that device there by saving money from less internet subscriptions.

Crystals and Spiritual Objects

Everything is energy. Your thoughts, your belongings, your house etc. Research on the chinese 5 elements. Metal (it explains itself) Earth (rocks) Fire (candles and fire) Wood (life) Water (it explains itself) These elements apply very well to objects, especially energy emitting objects. Avoid "spiritual" objects of Metal element. Both Earth and Sky is important for our well being. Crystals Crystals are rocks, that some of them emit some kind of  spiritual energy. Some can even be like brainwave altering. Going into another state of awareness or feeling and sometimes even health. Balance is key. Having too many crystals can be disturbing and unbalancing. So please buy carefully. You have to know what you buy. The name of the stone and if it seems good for you. Avoid red crystals. Red is the color of anger and frustration. Avoid blue crystals. Blue light makes the emotional down periods stronger. Expecially important for those with bi-polar disorder. Crystals combined with ot

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